Political Economy

The Social Inquiry Hub supports students seeking inter-program pathways through the social inquiry curriculum. Political Economy is a good example. Students interested in political economy should check out the following Fall 2022 Bi-Co courses. Also this Tri-Co Libraries Course Guide. Contact Prof. Craig Borowiak for more info.

Growth and Structure of Cities

CITY B185 Urban Culture and Society Gary McDonogh, Lauren RestrepoMoWe 1:10PM – 2:30PM
CITY B240Cities of the Global South Lauren Restrepo TuTh 11:25AM – 12:45PM


ECON B214Public FinancePrithvijit MukherjeeMoWe 1:10PM – 2:30PM
ECON B236Introduction to International EconomicsPrithvijit MukherjeeMoWe 2:40PM – 4:00PM
ECON B314The Economics of Social Policy Jiyoon (June) KimTuTh 9:55AM – 11:15AM
ECON B317The Economics of Agricultural and Rural Development Sebastian AntiMoWe 10:10AM – 11:30AM
ECON H249AThe Soviet System and Its Demise Vladimir KontorovichTh 2:30PM – 4:00PM
ECON H315AUrban Economics Timothy Lambie-HansonMoWe 11:30AM – 1:00PM

Environmental Studies 

ENVS H313AFish & Community: A Local Praxis Talia Young TBA 

Peace, Justice, and Human Rights 

PEAC H298 Impact InvestingShannon MuddMoWe 1:00PM – 2:30PMFr 1:00PM – 2:00PM
PEAC H319AHuman Rights in Philadelphia and Pennsylvania–In National and Global ContextEric HartmanFr 11:00AM – 1:30PM


PHIL B225Global Ethical Issues TBATBA 

Political Science

POLS B141 Introduction to International PoliticsNisrin Elamin TuTh 12:55PM – 2:15PM
POLS B249Politics of Economic Development Seung-Youn OhMoWe 11:40AM – 1:00PM
POLS B367 China and the World: Implications of China’s RiseSeung-Youn OhTu 1:10PM – 4:00PM
POLS B391 International Political EconomyMichael H. AllenWe 1:10PM – 4:00PM
POLS H227AUrban Politics Steve McGovernMoWe 10:00AM – 11:30AM
POLS H262AGrassroots Economies: Creating Livelihoods in an Age of Urban Inequality Craig Borowiak Tu 12:30PM – 3:00PM
POLS H301ADevelopment, Human Rights, and Transnational Injustices Thomas J. DonahueTu 1:30PM – 4:00PM


SOCL B200 Urban SociologyNora E. Taplin-KaguruTuTh 12:55PM – 2:15PM
SOCL B317Comparative Social Policy: Cuba, China, US, ScandinaviaDavid Karen Tu 1:10PM – 3:00PMFr 9:00AM – 10:00AM
SOCL B327Capital & Connections: A Network Approach to Social StructureAmanda Barrett CoxMoWe 10:10AM – 11:30AM
SOCL H277APolitical SociologyMark GouldTuTh 11:30AM – 1:00PM